Thursday, May 16, 2013

Uyuni, egy csipet Bolivia

Uyuni egy tipikus boliviai kisvaros, turistak szazai latogatnak ide, hogy szervezett, vagy szabaduszo turak kereteben eljussanak a so sivatagba. Mi egy szervezett turan vettunk reszt, jeep, 6 fo, idegenvezetovel. A varosbol kifele haladva, eloszor a sofeldolgozo teruletre mentunk, ahol bemutattak, hogyan termelik ki, szaritjak es keszitik a sot. Az ittlako csaladok nagyresze mezogazdasagbol, es so kitermelesbol el. Ez adja a megelhetest itt foleg. 10 ezer negyzetkilometer teruletu, ezzel a vilag legnagyobb es legmagasabban fekvo somezoje, az Andok hegyseg hatarolja.
70 km-re tovabb, vegig a so sivatagon haladva eljutottunk egy kiveteles helyszinre, Isla Pescado-hoz. Hihetetlen latvany, egy sziget, kaktuszokkal, inka romokkal, a so rengeteg kozepen. Amerre a szem ellat feherseg, lelegzetelallito tajak, hegyek, so sivatag, es mindennek a kozepen egy "sziget". Olyan erzesem volt, mintha valami jovobeli(vagy akar egy multbeli)filmforgatas helyszinen talaltam volna magam. Bar valojaban a legtalalobb, az idotlen megnevezes, mintha ez a csoda mindig is itt lett volna, csak rejtve letezett, felve orizve  szuzies, de egyben fenseges mivoltat.
Korbe barangolva a szigetet egy extra meglepetesben volt reszem. A so vegtelenseg kozepen egy flamingo tojasra bukkantunk :) Mik vannak??? :)
Par trefas fenykep a tojassal, majd folytattuk utunkat a jeep-pel a vegallomas fele.
Tunupa vulkan, 4600m magas, korotte a so sivatag, es egy apro falu, kb 3-4 haztartassal, es egy turistak reszere fentartott menedekszallassal.
A kornyek lelegzetelallito, flamingok, feherseg, vulkan... Teljesen szurrealis!
Hagyomanyos boliviai vacsora, bor. Eletemben eloszor lattam a tejutat, es ennyire tiszta csillagos eget.
Masnap megmasztuk a vulkant, korol kore, felfele menetelve. Utkozben egy vulkankitores kozben barlangban rekedt mumia csaladot is lattunk. Megindito volt latni, hogy hogy benitotta meg oket utolso pillanatukban a hamu es a lava.
Masnap indulas vissza Uyuniba, utkozben betero az un "Cementerio de Trenes"- ba, "Vonat temetobe.


Uyuni, a pinch of Bolivia

Uyuni is a tipical Bolivian small town, visited by thousands of turists to see the salt desert via an organised or freelancer tour. We went by an agency organised trip, Lexus jeep, 6 person,tourguide. Leaving the city the first stop was at the edge of the desert where they showed us how they processing the salt (drying, packing etc..) Agriculture and the salt production give the livelihood for most of the local families here.This is the world's largest salt flat with more than 10 000 square km surrounded by the Andes.
70kms away getting into the desert we got to an exceptional scene ,to Isla del Pescado, amazing spectacle, an island in the middle of the white, endless salt field, with cactuses, rocks, inca ruins...I had a feeling that I was on a scene of a imaginative future movie shot... or it could be in the far far past too. Anyway, if I want to be more precise I would say this all like a timeless place which was here since everlasting, preserving its majestic and at the same time virgin nature.
Walking around the island I had an extra suprise.. in the middle of the salt flat I bumped in to a flamingo egg :) After a while we continued our way to the Tunupa volcano.Its 4600 m above the sea level, surrounded by the salt desert, the Andes. At the bottom there was a single village with few households, there where we had the accomodation for that night too.
The surrounding is breathtaking, whitness,flamingos, lamas, nature... Full surrealistic views!!!
We had a great dinner, wine. First time in my life I have seen the milky way and so clear sky with stars!
Next day hiking to the vulcano, stone by stone, rock by rock, uphill... On the way we visited a cave which used to be a home of a family who were killed by the erruption, but the result of the ash and lavaflows they remained as mummies. It was moving to see how the death approached them at their last hour.
On the way back to Uyuni we also visited the Cementerio de Trenes. (Train cementery)

Bolivia sokkal szegenyebb es elmaradottabb orszag, mint Argentina. Alacsonyabb az eletszinvonal, de az emberek jokedve es melegsege erezheto.
A tajkep lelegzetelallito, a buszut Tupiza es Uyuni kozott kiveteles volt. Az Andok hegyseg keskeny poros, aszfaltot nem latott utjain, meredek, porsivatagos, keptelen,kalandos ut, regi busszal, de megis a latvany mindent meger :)

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